Contacting Congresspeople, Senators and Other Elected Officials
Learn how to identify and contact your elected representatives.
Many members of congress and other elected officials are contactable electronically, though many choose to streamline the communications process through an official contact form on their website rather than by publicly disclosing an email address.
The resources below should help you identify your elected representatives and provide you with a number of ways to contact each of them. Some are run by official bodies, others are private efforts; if in doubt, why not check two or more sources of information before making contact?
Congressional Directory
Provides contact information for senators, governers, representatives, assembly members and other state and federal elected officials. In some cases, a web form is also provided for officials who will accept communications via email; you can submit your comments directly from the form on their "Contact" page.Congressional Email Directory
Directory of congresspeople, sorted by state. Provides an email address or link to a web-based contact form for each member.Contacting The Congress
Guide to contacting the various members of the current congress, with either an email address or a web-based email contact form provided for each congressperson, along with a link to their homepage.Find a County
Directory run by the National Association of Counties, providing information about each of the US's thousands of counties, including county officials. You can browse down to a particular county to find a list of elected officials in that county and, where available, their email contact address.United States Senate list
List of all senators, put out by the United States Senate. The list provides email addresses or links to web forms to contact each senator.Write your Representative
Guide put out by the United States House of Representatives. You enter your full Zip+4 code to get up-to-date contact information about your local congressperson. If you don't know your Zip+4 code, you can convert your Zip code and address to Zip+4 format using the zip conversion tool on the USPS website.