Free Internet Providers in Japan
Get online for free in Japan (local call rates may apply)
Alpha Net
Free internet access at local call rates, and connection speeds of up to 56K (analog) and 64K (ISDN). There is also limited support for some internet-enabled mobile phones.ATN
Free analog dial-up internet access in the 048 area code. Supports V90/K65Flex compatible modems.Clicom
Clickom offers free internet connectivity with over 100 access points across Japan. 56K analog and 64K ISDN connections are supported. NOTE: The dialer software needed to connect to the service only works on Windows.FreeNavi
FreeNavi's service works with both Mac and Windows PCs. A free email account with 10MB of storage and 2 email aliases is also included. FreeNavi is a regional free internet service provider, so local-call access points are limited to parts of Nagano, Gifu, Mie, Aichi and Shizuoka prefecture. Connectivity is also offered to owners of Astel-brand internet-enabled PHS phones, at a higher per-minute rate.Soloot
Soloot offers free dial-up internet access via a flat-rate number accessible from across Japan. Supports 56K analog and 64K ISDN connections.Back to the free internet access guide