Japanese Free Email Providers

The following providers offer their services in Japanese

24H WWW Mail Service [WEB]


Anet Multi Mail Service [POP] [FORWARD]

Free POP mail and mail forwarding from a very fast-loading and attractive site, plus for-fee services such as FAX/voicemail

Curio-City [WEB]

Very fast-access site offers web-based email as well as email collection from your existing account(s) and the ability to chat to other Curio-City users.

Excite Mail [WEB]

The Japanese version of the Excite mega-brand. Powered by ProntoMail Japan.

Exmail [POP]

Free POP mail service; you will receive emailed ads in return for getting this free service.

Goo Mail [WEB]


Hikyaku [SPECIAL]

Normally, I do not list beta services. However, Hikyaku is exciting enough to make an exception. This site enables you to send Japanese-language email even if your system does not support Japanese! This is done via a clever Java applet that lets you enter Japanese characters, one at a time. You can also enter English messages using the same application. The service runs on Netscape 4.5 and Explorer 4.0. This service now enables you to cut and paste text to/from many applications (including most Microsoft applications). Runs on Windows and MAC (certain restrictions apply to the latter version)

JMail [WEB]

Over a hundred different domain names to choose from!

Yahoo! Mail [WEB]



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